Company soliciting your Company to advertise

The PDF file below and message was sent to you by a company soliciting your Company to advertise with their service This company is acting without our consent and their service is not supported by The Chamber Please consider this offer very carefully before entering...


Nothing to do this week-end ? Well remember the ROCCI FESTIVAL on 25 August Ruimsig and the Magaliesrockthecradle .   One town. Three days. Infinite possibilities! If you’re looking for a semi off-the-grid weekend adventure, the Magalies Rocks the Cradle (MRtC)...

French-South African Business Forum

Dear SACCI Member The French-South African Business Forum is an event organized by Business France in partnership with the French South African Chamber of Commerce and the French Foreign Trade Advisers. The event will take place from October 3rd to October 5th. You...