
One of the most satisfying rewards of Genealogical Research is to find a living relative, previously unknown to you – to make that contact and to swop family information and to make a new friend!

Often you are aware of the existence of that person but are unable to make contact with him or her.

Handy URL’s and e-mails


A Weekly Magazine Family Tree Column “Desperately Seeking”
WEB :,9343,539-544,00.html


An early morning Radio Program “Where are they now”
P O Box 91162
South Africa

Natal Witness

Daily Newspaper “Letters to the Editor” Column

Assistance with your search

I offer a service to trace “missing persons” and the fee is very affordable!

If you have the name of the missing person and his South African Identity number the cost is only R 50 for an address search. If the Identity number is not known, but the full name and at least the year of birth is known, the fee is R 90

Interested? – Send the information to me and I will send you a Bank Account number to deposit the Fee. The following information is required

  • Full names
  • Surname
  • Maiden Surname if female and married (or previously married)
  • Date of birth or at least birth year
  • South African I D number

Send the above to my e-mail address

Note : This service is provided primarily for the purpose of finding Family and Friends for Genealogical research and the results can obviously not be guaranteed.