Invitation from DEA

Dear SACCI Member Please see below the invitation from DEA to a workshop on 1 August 2018. The workshop is an opportunity for the 3 affected sectors, namely Paper and Packaging, Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Lighting, to seek clarity on section 28 of the...

BUSA SME legislative tracking tool

Dear SACCI Member Yesterday the first meeting of the SME working group was convened at BUSA. Please find bellow the current version of the BUSA SME legislative tracking tool. This lists all legislation currently under discussion in various groupings at BUSA and...

Climate change bill

Dear SACCI memberFurther to our request for inputs on the climate change bill yesterday, please find attached additional information and templates for your comments.We have requested to receive your comments by COB Friday 20 July 2018. SEIA Climate Bill 13-12-2017...